Business Assistant
Business Assistant.iso
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To add new records to your database, highlite CREATE then press the ENTER
KEY or type C when viewing the MAIN MENU.
You will be given a ITEM entry screen to enter the record key for the new
record. The KEY field consist the ITEM NUMBER. This KEY will be used in all
subsequent accesses to your database file.
Refer to DATA ENTRY help for valid data entry key functions during input of
the records.
If at any time during the input of the ITEM number you need help, press F1
for a popup help screen and then select the help function you need from
that menu.
When the ITEM number is entered and accepted you are then given a blank
data entry screen to continue inputting additional information about that
item. Once all data fields are entered and accepted, you are prompted to
Continue or eXit. If you wish to continue adding new records, press C for
a new ITEM entry screen. If you are finished adding new records, press X
to return to the MAIN MENU.
To MODIFY records in your database, highlite MODIFY then press the ENTER
KEY or type M when viewing the MAIN MENU.
The MODIFY option has a pulldown menu which allows you to choose to either
modify Records or Stock.
If you select Records the complete record is available to you
for modifications.
If you select Stock the complete record is displayed but you can
only modify two fields on the screen. They are quanity on-hand and
quanity sold. Once these two fields are changed and accepted
their corresponding total fields are automatically updated.
eXit: Selecting eXit returns you to the Main Menu.
Quick picks are (R)ecords, (S)tock, e(X)it.
Before you can Modify a record in your database, you first need to find it.
You will be given a ITEM entry screen to enter the ITEM number of the record
you wish to modify.
Refer to DATA ENTRY help for valid data entry key functions during the
modification of the record.
Once all fields are modified and accepted, you are prompted to Continue or
eXit. If you wish to continue modifying records, press C for a new ITEM
entry screen. If you are finished modifying, press X to return to the
To DELETE records in your database, highlite DELETE then press the ENTER
KEY or type D when viewing the MAIN MENU.
Before you can Delete a record in your database, you first need to find it.
You will be given a ITEM entry screen to enter the ITEM number of the record
you wish to delete.
Refer to DATA ENTRY help for valid data entry key functions during the entry
of the ITEM number.
Once the record has been found and displayed, you are prompted to confirm
the delete procedure. If you choose Continue the record is deleted. If
you choose eXit the record is not deleted. Either way you are prompted to
Continue or eXit. If you wish to continue deleting records, press C for a
new ITEM entry screen. If you are through deleting, press X to return to
To RETRIEVE existing records in your database, highlite RETRIEVE then
press the ENTER key or type R when viewing the MAIN MENU. You are then
presented with a pulldown menu with the following selections:
Selecting First positions the data file to the first record in the
file and displays it on the screen.
Selecting Last positions the data file to the last record in the
file and displays it on the screen.
Selecting Next positions the data file to the next record in
sequence in the data file and displays it on the screen. This
procedure can be used to view every record, one after another,
all the way to the end of the database. When the end of the
database is reached, a message is displayed to inform you of such.
Selecting Previous positions the data file to the previous, or prior
record in sequence in the database and displays it on the screen.
In this manner, you can back up all the way to the beginning of the
database. When the front of the database is reached, a message is
displayed to inform you of such.
Selecting loCate allows you to enter a record key to locate a
specific record. If the record is located it is displayed on the
screen. If the record is not located, a message is displayed to
inform you of such. You are then prompted either to Continue
locating records or to eXit back to the RETRIEVE pulldown menu.
Selecting Search allows you to enter any part of the ITEM description
to search on. Once a record is located that has this value in it,
the record is displayed on the screen. You are prompted to Continue
searching for records that match or to eXit. This procedure continues
until you reach the end of the data file or you elect to eXit. If
you select eXit you are returned to the MAIN MENU but if you select
to Continue you are returned to the RETRIEVE pulldown.
Once a record is selected and is in view you have the option to delete
the record. You are prompted to confirm the delete procedure. If
you select Continue the record is deleted or if you select eXit the
record is not deleted. You are prompted that the record is deleted
or the record is not deleted. You then have a choice to either return
to MAIN MENU or the RETRIVE pulldown. If you choose Continue you are
returned to RETRIEVE pulldown but if you choose eXit you returned to
Once a record is selected and is in view you have the option to modify
the record. You are prompted that the record is modified. You then
have a choice to either return to MAIN MENU or the RETRIVE pulldown.
If you choose Continue you are returned to RETRIEVE pulldown but if
you choose eXit you returned to the MAIN MENU.
eXit: Selecting eXit returns you to the Main Menu.
Quick picks are (F)irst, (L)ast, (N)ext, (P)revious, lo(C)ate,
(S)earch, (D)elete, (M)odify, e(X)it.
To PRINT existing records or reports in your database, highlite PRINT
then press the ENTER key or type P when viewing the MAIN MENU. You are
then presented with a pulldown menu with the following selections:
Selecting Records from the pulldown menu will allow you to print
a specific record. You will be given a blank ITEM entry screen to
enter the key of the record you wish to print. Once the record is
found you are prompted to Continue or eXit. If you wish to print
the record, press Continue and the record will be printed, else
press X and the record will not be printed.
Selecting rePort from the pulldown menu will display a popup menu
of the reports that are available to you. Select the report you
wish and it will be printed.
eXit: Selecting eXit returns you to the MAIN MENU.
Quick picks are (R)ecord, re(P)ort, e(X)it.
Ytd Sales Report:
Selecting this option will produce a report of all sales year to
Low Inventory Report:
Selecting this option will produce a report of all items that need
to be reordered for stock to maintain low threshold limit.
Inventory Price List:
Selecting this option will produce a report of all items in the
inventory and show you your profit or loss margin on each item.
Start New Year:
Selecting this option will produce